About Your Thrift Store
Our Thrift Store is open Monday thru Friday from 10 am to 4:00 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. Thanks to our community’s generous donations of gently used furniture, clothing, and other miscellaneous items the thrift store revenue provides 33% of our operating income for essential services such as our, “door thru door” senior transportation, senior assistance administered though our Outreach Department, Meals on Wheels, Congregate Dining, Drive thru Lunches, Life Changes & Physical Challenges Support Groups, Free Medical Equipment Loan Program, Free Firewood Program as well as social activities for seniors in our area.
Thrift Store Manager: Lance Hodges
Phone: 707-459-2176
Dropping Off Donations: We are asking you only donate gently used items that we can resale. A good rule of thumb is: if you wouldn’t buy it please don’t donate it. PLEASE allow a Thrift Store Employee to accept your donations. They are knowledgeable about what items we are able to accept and what items we already have an abundance of. We have way too many people dropping off items we cannot resale and as a result we end up paying to take them to the dump. We encourage people to call before bringing larger items such as furniture or large quantities of donations because sometime we reach storage capacity and are no longer able to accept donations. We do not want to turn people away, especially when your intentions are to support the senior center. If you are unable to donate on Mondays or a Thursdays call the Thrift Store Manager to discuss alternative drop off times.
Picking up Donations: If you’d like to donate items but are unable to bring them call and ask for Lance to arrange a time for your donations to be picked up.
Delivery of Purchased Items
$10 Charge for local deliveries in Willits
$20 Charge for Brooktrails and Pine Mountain